Greyhound Pets of America - Senior Sanctuary of Florida
2205 Hunterfield Road - Maitland, Florida 32751
Phone 352.728.2839 Fax 407.834.9553


Our Dogs

Lucky Dogs
Greyt Shopping
Thank You!



Thanks For Your Support

We at senior sanctuary would like to wish Lilac a wonderful birthday and we hope we will be posting this again next year.

All the fosters appreciate the mention and donations from the Tales and Tails blog.  This blog details the daily life of Lilac and her family.  Once again THANK YOU to all who donated and follow the lives of these wonderful creatures.

Dear Marty and Keith, 

You two are truly dear, dear friends. All the folks who make GPA Senior Sanctuary of FL their calling know and treasure all the wonderful work and contributions you have provided over so many years.   Your love and passion for these senior Greyhounds have made it possible for us to rescue, care, heal, transport, feed, comfort, save, protect, love – and so much more!!!!   You have devoted so much time and effort to GPA Senior Sanctuary and saved hundreds of dogs!!  We know you did it unselfishly, because you sincerely love these wonderful dogs.  We can’t thank you enough. And we are truly going to miss you!  As you travel north and start a new life in Atlanta, we wish you the very best.  Hopefully, you will continue in your love for these incredible dogs and that you will keep in touch with us.  God bless you and keep you safe. Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you have done in the never-ending struggle to save retired senior Greyhounds.     


With love and admiration,

 Jo Ann  & all the adopters, volunteers, and greyhound lovers.

Thank you Beth Blackwood and Ben Beebe for your Mother's day donation in honor of your mother Mary Ann Culhane our volunteer and adopter.

Thank you again to Mr David Wright for your continued generous support.

Thank you Cora Wilkerson for a donation to the Senior Sanctuary of Florida on behalf of one of her  colleague who is retiring, Janice (JC) Campbell. 

Thank you to all who helped with the Trash to Treasure in Leesburg. It was a huge success and we are looking forward to next year.

Thanks to all the volunteers who did an awesome job for the yard sale. Also I would like to thank the donors of items for the sale and the people who helped setup this sale and also break it down:

  • All the people of Picciola Island and surrounding area who donated items to sell.

  • The Stumbo family for use of equipment and the parking area.

  • The Crumbaker family for their continued support and parking area.

  • Those who setup and help thru the sale and after.  Linda Rovetto, Derek Fountain, Bob Stastny, Judy Dashner, Linda Rovetto, Tammy & Gary (Weenie boy) Vicky Janus, Big Tony, Sherry & Micheal Rosenthall, Russ & Chris Anderson, Lynn Taylor, Ed and Cliffton, Jo Ann Ball and anyone I haven't mentioned please let me know.

THANK YOU to all who shopped here!!


  • Thank you to Resfab Inc for the generous donation.

  • Thank you to Dwayne Jackson for your continued support and donation.

  • Thank you Mr. David  Wright for your continued support and generous donation.

  • Thank you Lynn from Under the Cherry Blossoms in Mt. Dora for items and services offered.

  • Thank you Staples for the generous donation of supplies.

  • Thank you Orlando Sentinel for free advertising.

  • Thank you Daily Commercial for free advertising.

  • Thank you Triangle paper for free advertising.


Greyhounds are the oldest pure breed dog and date back to the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt.  It's also the only dog to be mentioned in The Bible.

Life's Good

These purebred athletes enjoy many years of good health.  With proper care, they have a life expectancy of 12 years or more.

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